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domingo, 6 de setembro de 2009

Ancient greek houses/Casas gregas antigas.


Ancient Greek Houses and Households: Chronological, Regional, and Social DiversityBy Ault, Bradley A. (Editor), Nevett, Lisa C. (Editor) 0 Customer Reviews Imported Edition Condition: New Edition: Hardcover Availability: Usually ships in 10-15 business days FREE Shipping to All Cities in India!
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Ancient Greek Houses and Households: Chronological, Regional, and Social Diversity Book Description
Seeking to expand both the geographical range and the diversity of sites considered in the study of ancient Greek housing, "Ancient Greek Houses and Households" takes readers beyond well-established studies of the ideal classical house and now-famous structures of Athens and Olynthos. Bradley A. Ault and Lisa C. Nevett have brought together an international team of scholars who draw upon recent approaches to the study of households developed in the fields of classical archaeology, ancient history, and anthropology. The essays cover a broad range of chronological, geographical, and social contexts and address such topics as the structure and variety of households in ancient Greece, facets of domestic industry, regional diversity in domestic organization, and status distinctions as manifested within households. "Ancient Greek Houses and Households" views both Greek houses and the archeological debris found within them as a means of investigating the basic unit of Greek society: the household. Through this approach, the essays successfully point the way toward a real integration between material and textual data, between archeology and history. Contributors include William Aylward (University of Wisconsin, Madison), Nicholas Cahill (University of Wisconsin, Madison), Manuel Fiedler (Freie Universitat, Berlin), Franziska Lang (Humboldt Universitat, Berlin), Monike Trumper (Universitat Heidelberg), and Barbara Tsakirgis (Vanderbilt University). Expanding both the geographical range and the diversity of sites considered in the study of ancient Greek housing, "Ancient Greek Houses and Households" views Greek houses and the archaeological artifacts found within them as a means of investigating the basic unit of Greek society: the household.
Publisher: University of Pennsylvania Press
Author: Bradley A. Ault, Lisa C. Nevett,
Language: English
ISBN: 0812238753
EAN: 9780812238754
No. of Pages: 200
Publish Date: 2005-06-30
Binding: Hardcover Deliverable Countries: This product ships to India, Sri Lanka.
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